External Quality Assurance for Law.

The perfect practice

The Inkling Academy Quality Assurance Program provides external quality assurance (EQA) for law firms, inhouse teams, legal technology (including artificial intelligence and generative AI) and other legal service providers. We offer a comprehensive EQA program for technical legal writing.

Enrolled organisations are provided with regular challenges, peer reviewed assessments and educational resources to monitor the quality of their legal services.

We are world leaders in inclusive and accessible legal content. Enrolled organisations will benefit from our extensive expertise and support.

Lawyers only

Quality assurance programs for legal teams and law firms.

  • QAP for lawyers is offered on a quarterly and annual basis.

  • QAP can also be used to benchmark the skills of potential or new employees.

Lawyer + AI

Quality assurance programs for legal teams and law firms using assistive writing tools and generative AI.

AI only

Quality assurance programs for assistive writing tools and generative AI.